Hi all 👋 I've just upgraded my free hosting to a premium plan today, and having fun getting everything configured the way I want. I'm having an issue with the webmail.mydomain.com subdomain - it loads up the webmail login page correctly, but when I enter a username and password it seems to get stuck in a redirect loop - the green successful login message pops up briefly, and then it's back to the login again but with a session and parameter added to the URL. There was originally an A record set up for the subdomain to the server IP, I've tried swapping this out for a CNAME pointing to the main domain, and also removing the record entirely sit appears the sub is reserved and being handled somewhere behind the scenes, all with the same result. SSL cert is being correctly applied to the sub. using https://mydomain.com/webmail, https://mydomain.com:2096 and https://webmail.mydomain.com:2096 all work, its just the https://webmail.mydomain.com that seems to be having an issue. Are we able to use the webmail sub directly on the premium plans? Or is this being blocked in some way? Wondering whether I'm missing something, there's something misconfigured behind the scenes which I can't access to check/fix, or perhaps it's just not possible? Thanks :)
You can’t use free hosting domains in external services, they are only for free hosting use.
Hello, I need help setting up a CNAME record for Firebase hosting verification. Could you please help me: 1. Delete the existing A record ( 2. Create a CNAME record: - Domain: gagar.byethost18.com - Points to: gagar-450911.web.app Thank you for your help.
By Bob The Cow · Posted
Hello i'm interested in using this but the website seems to be a default wordpress page and the demo is a 404 error.
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